La Lunar & Sol
Image of Happy Doll Earrings

Happy Doll Earrings

$4.00 AUD - On sale

Have you ever seen absolute cuteness and nostalgia captured in a photo this well? Because I’m almost sure we have all played with one of these dolls as children!
For me, it was with my Nan, so these dolls hold a very sentimental place in my heart.

Between the colour, and the beautiful faces, these earrings couldn’t get any more perfect. You will definitely look so cute and groovy wearing these!

Orange, Red, Blue, Silver

Metal earring piece.
Wooden Doll.

Size & Dimensions:
Length: 6cm

*please note these are to be worn as dress jewellery, do not wear in the water, the shower or while sleeping. My handmade jewellery is fragile and must be worn with care.

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